Monday, July 13, 2015

Jack and Jill Org of America: As If We Are Not Already Divided

You learn something new everyday. A news blog reported that there is a reality tv series in the works based on Jack and Jill families. I thought Jack and Jill families were families with two children consisting of a boy and a girl. *Insert laugh here*. Nope. Jack and Jill families are families that are part of the Jack and Jill of America organization. It's a very elite organization where you have to have multiple degrees, be part of the 1% and you must be African American. Basically, you have to rich, black and highly educated. You don't just apply to join and pay a membership fee, somebody has to invite you or refer you. I did my little bit of research to see if I could apply online for kicks. There is not even a link to apply on the site. This is a very private organization. The nearest chapter in my state is in Prince William County, Virginia. The board members are women who look like black Step-ford wives. The comments under the blog link headlining about the potential reality series had several J&J members upset and posting links to several petitions to stop the reality series. I can't say I blame them because reality TV programs destroy brands and place well liked celebrities in a negative light. However, it went from asking people to sign the petition to insulting blacks that are in lower-middle class or below. It turned into an all out war between Hood vs. Bougie. Calling names such as "oreo", "hoodrat" etc. You get my drift.
  Do we really need this J&J organization headlining the news right now or becoming popular? I mean we are already divided enough with the light skin vs dark skin shenanigans. So now we are throwing economic class in the mix? With all the hatred and violence towards black people in America, we should be more focused on coming together and not looking for more excuses to break apart. At the end of the day, no matter how many degrees we have, no matter how much we make or how many organizations we are part of, we are all still black and still at risk of getting shot down in the street just for being black. Another distraction if you ask me. Another distraction to tear the black community apart. The organization was founded in 1938 and I have never heard of it in the media until now. This is nothing but division. It's bad enough black people who are mixed race or extremely light skinned think that racism don't apply to them and now the media tosses this in the mix. A recipe for more disaster in the black community. I always promote black businesses and organizations no matter how big or small so here is the website to find out more info:

Thursday, July 9, 2015

"What's Understood Don't Need to be Explained" An Excuse to Avoid Commitment

The phrase is being used in memes on the internet, on social media statuses, during arguments, and  in text messages. It has women thinking they are something special to their mate when in all actuality it is just an excuse a commit phobic man put into a woman's head to keep her silent from asking him to commit. "What's understood don't need to be explained" is the sorriest statement I have ever heard that describes a relationship or lack there of. It is even sorrier that woman are actually accepting this as a relationship status. "He loves me, he knows where home is, so he can go out and do him" is basically what women are agreeing to. But ladies need to understand that it does need to be explained. We need a clear and concise understanding on where we stand with a man so our time is not wasted. While you're waiting, being loyal and giving a man husband benefits that is not even your boyfriend, you are blocking the blessing God has for you in the form of the man you deserve. Allowing him to make you look like a clown in his circus while the woman that he really wants is unavailable to him at the time. You're allowing him to treat you like a option, like something to do to occupy his time. Aren't you time of being hidden from view? Think about it. Using memes of reality tv show characters that broadcast their toxic relationships to describe the relationship you have with a man makes you look like a damn fool. Wake up, ladies and look in the mirror. Do you really think you deserve such treatment?

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Worldwide Racism

I don't even know what to say. For the past two days I have been trying to figure out what to write in this blog about the worldwide racism. Just when you thought it was just in America, you find out the Dominican Republic are mistreating Haitians. Then you find out black Israelite people are being mistreated in Israel. There is chaos all over the world and quite frankly as a Christian woman I really do believe the world is coming to an end. Soon. Very soon. As an advocate for human rights I feel bogged down and helpless because I really want to do SOMETHING about what is going on across the world but I am at a standstill. All I can do right now is spread awareness about it and advocate from where I am. Stay Woke.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Fathers's Day or Bitter Single Mother's Day

It never fails. Year after year, single mothers post bitter and angry statuses subliminally talking about their children's fathers or directly tagging their children's fathers in a rant on social media. The main social network that is used is Facebook. Every Father's Day, there are more blasts on deadbeat dads, dads who haven't paid child support or fathers who gotten remarried and their children's mother has yet to forgive them for it than there are posts about fathers and the good that they have done for their children. Frankly, I am sick of seeing it. First of all, my father has not been the best dad in the world and he could purchase a couple of clues on how to be a good father but that doesn't mean that I should bash him. When you bash your father or children's father you are making yourself look bad. Trust me. My mother used to bash my father when I was child and it hurt me to the core and lot of you have children that have a Facebook so trust me they can see all the horrible things you're posting. You also have to look in the mirror when bashing your baby's daddy because it takes two to tango.
   Red flags are always there when meeting a guy. We see red flags but the guy is so cute or has a great personality or so established that you try to give him the benefit of the doubt. However, it never fails. Those red flags are always right. You knew your child's father wasn't sh*&t when you met him. You just chose to give him the benefit of the doubt or give him a chance because your heart overpowered your mind. Some of you even thought that having a child would change him. Children can't change a man. Nothing can change a man, but that man. So now a few years go by and he's a deadbeat dad. He hasn't paid child support, he doesn't call the child and he's only seen him a handful of times. It's upsetting, it's frustrating to see your child hurt but you're making yourself look extremely pressed and ignorant when you bash the man on Facebook. He will pay for his mistakes through his children, he will pay for his mistakes through the law, possibly even on his death bed. But you are making yourself look very bad when you spread your business and your children's business on social media. Please for the love of God, stop demanding people to tell you Happy Father's Day. We understand that you have done everything that he has not done for your children, but they're fathers out there that have and are doing a lot for their kids. Don't take that away from them. Stop being so bitter. The best way to get back at him for screwing you over or for screwing your kids over is to live a happy life. Being bitter is allowing him to win. Think about it.

Friday, June 12, 2015

Women Proposing to Their Men? (Impatience or Breaking Tradition)

There is a new wave of women who have broken down gender roles to absolutely nothing. This new wave of women have taken gender equality to a whole new level. They have shown society that not only can we raise our children by ourselves, not only can we bring home the bacon, but we can also bend down on one knee and make an honest man out of our significant MALE other. Yep. On Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and every other social network there are photos of cute women in high heels and dresses bending down on one knee proposing to their man. Some people are appalled by it, saying that it's breaking tradition, it goes against the bible scripture "He who findeth a wife, findeth a good thing", and it's showing impatience. Then there are some who are all for it. Saying that this isn't the 1800s anymore, there are no such thing as gender roles, it's gender equality. Lots of people wanted to know what I think and I am going to tell you the truth. I think it's stupid. First of all, it is not breaking tradition, it is showing impatience. Men are far more simple than women. If they want something they will tell you they want it. If he wants to marry you, he will ask you to marry him.
  Have you noticed that in every picture that goes viral of a woman proposing to a man in front of a crowd of people, that he looks awkward, nervous, anxious. He doesn't look happy at all. For example:
You see how embarassed he looks. He looks like he's saying "Can you please not do this, we already talked about this and now you're embarassing me in front of all of my coworkers at the company Christmas party". He looks like he was trying to prevent her from bending down but was too late and is now trying to figure out how to get out of this situation without making himself look like an insensitive jerk. You know, Chrissy proposed to Jim Jones on national tv and he turned her down. She kept nagging and nagging about getting married that he eventually proposed. That was four years ago and they're still engaged. HE DOESN'T WANT TO MARRY YOU, IF HE HASN'T ASKED ALREADY! Not only that but do you see how feminized he looks? Look at his whole persona. His lips for Godsake. Stop proposing to men because if he does accept your proposal it's only so he won't make himself look bad. I mean how would it look if he said "No" or "We'll talk later" in front of all of your female friends? Or in front of his mother and female cousins at the 4th of July cookout? He's going to say "yes" and in the future when you try to make plans or make up a date he's going to continue to change the subject and next thing you know, ten years will fly by and you're still a fiancee. Ok? Got it? Good! 

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Distractions #StayWoke

I'm not trying to come off as a conspiracy theorists or a conscious person who constantly talks about distractions, but never say what exactly we are being distracted from. However, in all honesty we are being distracted. Aside from police brutality, people disappearing without a trace, violence going on in Syria, and other sick mess rotating around the globe, there are other disturbing events going on that the media has not covered. But regardless, we are still stuck on the fact that Bruce Jenner decided to transition into a woman. It was fun and cute for one day but by day two I was over it and by day three I was sick of it. On top of that, it has been ongoing debates about what pronoun transitioned people have the right to go by and who's rights have been violated. Who cares? I honestly do not care. It's not my business, it's not your business. But I am going to post something that is our business: 
Please read this and thoroughly weep. Weep because you have been hoodwinked, bamboozled, and blinded by what is being considered pop culture. Weep because you have overslept, feeding your brain irrelevant, stupid, media garbage while all of this have been going on under your nose. There are too many important events going on in the world for us to be jumping up every time we hear the name "Kardashian" "Jenner" and "Transgender". There are too many important events that are going on in this world that needs are utmost attention. #StayWoke.

Monday, June 8, 2015


Let's call a thing a thing, Beloved. There is an all out war between police and everybody. It has gotten to the point where nobody is safe. Cops are killing and shooting men, women, children, animals, blacks, Hispanics and low-income whites. Last week a video was leaked of a police officer's body cam showing he and his partner killing a young white male just because he didn't stop when they asked him to. Reason why? He didn't hear them due to his ear plug being in his ear. Week before that, a policeman's body cam showed video footage of him body slamming an African American black female on the ground. Why? Because she wouldn't give him her name. Why? Because she didn't have to. Unless you're being detained you don't have to say anything to the police. And week after week before, police have been shooting and killing unarmed black men for no reason at all, sparking protests, riots among blacks and white supremacists and an all out fear of the police. But the straw that broke the camel's back was the video that leaked yesterday. A large group of teens was invited to a pool party, some neighbors (who were probably old and bitter) called the police complaining of noise and thought they were in danger because the children were darker than they are. However, all hell broke loose when the police arrived and started shouting, body slamming one girl and detaining her. But here is my question. Who in the hell was the big Caucasian guy that was NOT in uniform, assisting the police with detaining the children? That's that bullsh&*t. This is the problem. Too many people out here trying to make citizen arrest and become volunteer police because they were too dumb to pass the exam and too out of shape to pass the physical. And the f*&^ked up part about it is these people are getting away with the sh*&t.
  First of all, according to the law you can't call the police about noise before ten pm, secondly if you are going to detain a child, could you at least call their parents or better yet, ask some questions. Third, why did you body slam that baby on the ground like that. And here is the million dollar question:

This mess has to stop. I'm to the point where I am about to ride out with the conscious brothers and to start shooting their asses up. Thoughts?